Sunday, August 28, 2011

Informatics Assistant (Suchna Sahayak) IA Exam 2011 Answer Key

The Answer Key Of Informatics Assistant (Suchna Sahayak) Will Be Available .The Answer Key Of IA Exam 2011 Declare By DOIT&C Department.DOIT&C Department Conduct This Exam.

Answer Key Of Series A:

1B 2B 3C 4D 5C 6B 7D 8B 9D 10D 11B 12C 13A 14D 15A 16C 17B 18B 19B 20A
21B 22B 23C 24D 25B 26A 27C 28C 29C 30D 31A 32C 33C 34A 35A 36B 37B 38B 39D 40C
41D 42A 43D 44D 45B 46B 47A 48C 49D 50D 51B 52C 53B 54B 55D 56B 57A 58D 59B 60B
61A 62C 63C 64A 65D 66B 67C 68 69B 70B 71D 72C 73A 74D 75D 76A 77C 78D 79B 80D
81C 82C 83C 84A 85B 86C 87A 88A 89D 90B 91D 92A 93B 94D 95A 96B 97A 98A 99A 100D

Answer Key Of Series B:
1B 2C 3B 4B 5C 6D 7B 8A 9C 10C 11C 12D 13B 14B 15C 16D 17C 18B 19D 20B 21D 22D 23B 24C 25D 26D 27A 28C 29B 30B 31D 32D 33A 34C 35D 36B 37D 38C 39B 40C 41B 42B 43C 44A 45A 46C 47AorC 48C 49A 50B 51D 52A 53B 54A 55A 56A 57A 58A 59C 60B 61A 62A 63B 64B 65B 66C 67C 68D 69A 70D 71D 72B 73B 74A 75C 76D 77D 78B 79C 80B 81B 82D 83B 84A 85D 86B 87D 88A 89C 90C 91A 92CorD 93B 94C 95C 96B 97A 98D 99C 100A.

Answer Key Of Series C:
1D 2B 3A 4D 5B 6C 7A 8D 9A 10C 11B 12B 13B 14C 15B 16B 17C 18D 19B 20A 21C 22C 23C 24D 25B 26B 27C 28D 29C 30B 31A 32C 33A 34D 35B 36C 37B 38B 39D 40B 41A 42D 43B 44D 45A 46C 47C 48A 49B 50B 51C 52A 53B 54D 55D 56C 57A 58D 59D 60A 62C 63B 64D 65C 66D 67C 68A 69B 70C 71A 72A 73D 74A 75A 76A 77B 78D 79A 80B 81A 82A 83A 84D 85A 86C 88A 89A 90B 91B 92B 93C 94C 95D 96A 97D 98D 100a

plz Suggest, if u see any mistake that happen.I will update the key

Information Assistant (Suchna Sahayak) Exam 2011 (Rajasthan)

The Exam Was Conduct At 10am To 1pm At Many Centers.The Admit Card Of Informatics Assistant (Suchna Sahayak) Exam Is Available At This Is The Official Website Of IA Exam.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

n level category Array Solutions

function categoryChild($id) {
$s = “SELECT id,title FROM category WHERE  parentid=”.$id;
$r = mysql_query($s);
$children = array();
if(mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
# It has children, let’s get them.
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
# Add the child to the list of children, and get its subchildren
$children[$row['id']] = categoryChild($row['id']);
return $children;
$array_to_save = categoryChild(’12′);
$output = ”;
$level  = ’0′;
*  Call the function to print array to file
$newoutput =  mulitidimentionalArrayToFile($array_to_save,$output,$level);
function mulitidimentionalArrayToFile($multiarray,&$output,$level,$key = ”,$type=’0′){
/* Check if main array or a sub array and assign “Array” to output */
//$output .= getTabs($level);
$output .= “$key,”;
$output .= “”;
foreach($multiarray as $key=>$value){
/* If value is another sub array continue traversing through sub array*/
return $output;
echo $newoutput;
echo “<br />”;
$s = $newoutput;
$s = substr($s, 0, -1);
echo $s;
result like this -> main category = 12 and below are child category

jQuery Checkbox

<!DOCTYPE html>
div { color:red; }
<!–<script src=””></script>–>
<script src=”jquery-latest.js”></script>
<span id=”total”>pawan</span>
<input type=”checkbox” name=”newsletter[]” value=”Hourly” />
<input type=”checkbox” name=”newsletter[]” value=”Daily” />
<input type=”checkbox” name=”newsletter[]” value=”Weekly” />
<input type=”checkbox” name=”newsletter[]” value=”Monthly” />
<input type=”checkbox” name=”newsletter[]” value=”Yearly” />
function countChecked() {
var n = $(“input:checked”).length;
//$(“div”).text(n + (n <= 1 ? ” is” : ” are”) + ” checked!”);

get Country from IP in PHP

function countryCityFromIP($ipAddr)
//function to find country and city name from IP address
//Developed by Roshan Bhattarai
//Visit for this script and more.
//verify the IP address for the
ip2long($ipAddr)== -1 || ip2long($ipAddr) === false ? trigger_error(“Invalid IP”, E_USER_ERROR) : “”;
// This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
$ipDetail=array(); //initialize a blank array
//get the XML result from
$xml = file_get_contents(“”.$ipAddr);
//get the city name inside the node <gml:name> and </gml:name>
//assing the city name to the array
//get the country name inside the node <countryName> and </countryName>
//assign the country name to the $ipDetail array
//get the country name inside the node <countryName> and </countryName>
$ipDetail['country_code']=$cc_match[1]; //assing the country code to array
//return the array containing city, country and country code
return $ipDetail;
$outip = “″;
echo $IPDetail['country']; //country of that IP address
echo $IPDetail['city']; //outputs the IP detail of the city

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ICANN Domain Plan: Brands Headed for Disaster?

IAB Speaks Out Against Domain Name Expansion

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is speaking out against ICANN's decision to open the domain name floodgates by lifting restrictions on generic top-level domains.
Are the new domains a good idea? Tell us what you think.

ICANN is to start accepting applications for new gTLDs on January 12, 2012. The application period will run until April. They're expected to roll out late next year.

The IAB, however, is calling on ICANN to withdraw this plan, saying it will cause "incalculable financial damage to brand owners, including the hundreds of media brands in its membership."

The plan would allow brands to apply for domains that end in their name. Like ".webpronews" or ".pepsi" and so on. However, it would also open the door for cyber squatting, according to the IAB, as well as include what the organization calls "exorbitant fees for web publishers and brand marketers."

The plan, the IAB says, would "come at an extremely high cost to publishers and advertisers, and would also offer 'cyber squatters' an opportunity to harm a brand's integrity and/or profit greatly from their bad-faith domain registrations."

IAB President and CEO Randall Rothenberg said, "ICANN's potentially momentous change seems to have been made in a top-down star chamber. There appears to have been no economic impact research, no full and open stakeholder discussions, and little concern for the delicate balance of the Internet ecosystem. This could be disastrous for the media brand owners we represent and the brand owners with which they work. We hope that ICANN will reconsider both this ill-considered decision and the process by which it was reached."

The IAB's words follow a similar campaign from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA). Earlier this month, ANA President and CEO Robert Liodice published a letter to ICANN President Rod Beckstrom outlining the organization's concerns. In the letter, he says the plan is economically unsupportable, and likely to cause irreparable harm and damage."

The ANA is made up up over 400 companies, which represent over 10,000 brands.

"At the same time, the Program contravenes the legal rights of brand owners and jeopardizes the safety of consumers," the letter continued. "By introducing confusion into the marketplace and increasing the likelihood of cybersquatting and other malicious conduct, the Program diminishes the power of trademarks to serve as strong, accurate and reliable symbols of source and quality in the marketplace. Brand confusion, dilution, and other abuse also poses risks of cyber predator harms, consumer privacy violations, identity theft, and cyber security breaches. The decision to go forward with the Program also clearly violates sound public policy and constitutes a breach of ICANN's own Code of Conduct and its undertakings with the United States Department of Commerce as most recently embodied in the Affirmation of Commitments."

You can read it in its entirety here. Its a 9-page document.

Are these concerns overblown? 

Sean Callahan at BtoB quotes Forrester Research analyst Jeff Ernst as saying, "It is too early to tell how big the malicious threat is. $185,000 is a lot of money to spend for a cybersquatter compared to a $10 dot-com domain name at GoDaddy."

Beckstrom responded to Liodice's letter, saying, "The June 2011 decision to proceed with the program followed six years of inclusive policy development and implementation planning," and "One clear directive of the consensus policy advice on which the program is built is that TLDs should not infringe the existing legal rights of others. The objection process and other safeguards eliminate the need for 'defensive' gTLD applications because, where an infringement of legal rights can be established using these processes, an application will not be approved."

Liodice responded to the response, saying, "We are not surprised by ICANN's response although disappointed that ICANN chose to defend its process and deny any doubt as to consensus. Rather, ICANN needs to respond to the real concern from the brand owner community. There is no question that this Program will increase brand owners' costs by billions of dollars. We should not be debating if 40 or 45 comment periods were held; instead, ICANN should be justifying its economic analysis regarding the Program against the staggering costs to brands. ANA welcomes further discussions and an opportunity for further economic study to quantify the need for more TLDs and what it will mean for industry and other stakeholders, such as the public interest community who will face the same brand dilution concerns."

ANA's General Counsel Doug Wood of Reed Smith LLP added, "Now is not the time for either side to 'dig in its heels' much less defend the process, especially in a depressed economy. ANA has raised real concerns regarding economic losses, brand dilution and resultant privacy / cyber-security harms. In light of our shared goals of a safe and stable global Internet, ICANN should return to the negotiating table and work with all concerned parties, including the ANA and its members, to resolve brand owners' legitimate concerns in a manner consistent with ICANN's consensus obligations."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

PROFILE of a rapist

Rapists are described as "heinous, cold-blooded men" with a lunatic urge to control women by hurting them. But in sharp contrast is sober looking Narendra, 37, in Delhi's Tihar jail. He looks like an ordinary man, he could be your neighbour. "Rapists don't have filmi, violent looks," says O.P. Mishra, superintendent of the jail. Narendra is serving a seven-year sentence for raping the assistant of a doctor he used to visit when he worked as a medical representative. He shrugs in total denial of his crime. "I did not do it. I was framed." Is Narendra the product of a dysfunctional family who became an offender because of repressed sexual urges? Or is he someone blinded by rage and lust in a single overpowering moment? It could be either. Or neither. Like Narendra, rapists cannot be defined. His parting shot gives him away. "Sometimes women create situations where a man has no choice."

THE LAW on rapeSection 375 of the Indian Penal Code defines rape as "sexual intercourse with a woman against her will, without her consent, by coercion, misrepresentation or fraud or at a time when she has been intoxicated or duped, or is of unsound mental health and in any case if she is under 16 years of age." Section 376 defines the punishment for rape. If rape is proved then punishment can be up to seven years of rigorous imprisonment for raping an adult and up to 10 years for raping a minor. Criminal Procedure Code amendments have made all rape trials compulsorily in-camera (where only those directly connected are allowed) and where it is obligatory to protect the identity of the victim. Many years ago, Deputy Prime Minister L.K. Advani had promised that rapists would be given the death sentence. But the proposal remains what it was: a promise.

In India there is a rape every 54 minutes.