Tuesday, September 28, 2010

8 Proven Tips To Reduce Bounce Rate Of Your Website Or Blog Successfully

We often come to a term “Bounce Rate” when we talk about web analytics of a website. Bounce Rate is the percentage of website visitors who arrive at any page of the website and then leave the website without visiting any other page. It essentially represents the percentage of initial visitors to a site who “bounce” away to a different site, rather than continue on to other pages within the same site.

According to giant search company, Google : ” Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. It means if the bounce rate is high, there are chances that a visitor do not find what they are searching and leaving your website without clicking it further more to any other page. The lower the bounce rate means, there are chances that more of your visitors are clicking through to the other content of your website.

Therefore, it is essential for every webmaster to keep the bounce rate minimum to take full advantage of your new visitors. Almost every website suffers from bounce rate and it is very important to understand bounce rate at a deeper level. That’s the reason, you can see bounce rate metric as default item on your Google Analytics dashboard. If Google included bounce rate as a default item, it means that bounce rate is fairly important matter.

What is Ideal Bounce Rate?

I believe that 0% is the ideal bounce rate which is impossible to achieve. But, any number that comes between 40-50% is not bad at all. This can be achieved by some useful and basic tips like quality content, better navigation, user interface etc. Let’s examine some basic but guaranteed ways to reduce bounce rate in more details below.

Useful tips to reduce Bounce Rate

1) Website Design : Design of any website plays an important role in keeping your visitor stay a long time on your blog or website. So, it is very design a website with proper blend of color, neatness, good layout and proper user interface. This helps visitors to stay for some time at least for the pleasant design.

2) Provide Relevant Content : Give your visitors what they want. When writing content for your blog, keep your target segment in mind. Whenever you write content for your blog, keep your target segment in mind. Write quality content that is easy to understand and try to connect with your visitors using the language they speak. This way they will be more inclined to stay on your blog and significantly help lower your bounce rate.

3) Easy and Proper Navigation : Every page in your website should have clear and proper navigation to make the user experience better. Guide your users by linking to your internal pages and related posts. Use clear words for navigation options so whenever user finds difficult to find the content, he/she will use the navigation links to finds relevant content based on his/her interests.

4) Regularly update the content : One of the most important reason visitors leave the landing page because the content is inaccurate or outdated. Try to update your blog regularly or try to remove any reference to dates.

5) Better speed up your page load times : The loading time of your webpage is not only a important factor in SEO, but also important in having a visitor to stay in your site. Deactivate unnecessary plugins, optimize your images and code to speed up the loading time of your site. Your visitors surely check other content if your pages load faster and quicker.

6) Get rid of Pop-up ads : Try to avoid using pop-up ads because it annoys the reader. If you content on a site worth-reading, visitors don’t want any kind of distractions and pop-ups to join the newsletter or subscriptions irritates them.

7) Reduce external links : External links on your blog’s main page where your visitors mostly lands are extremely harmful and can make the bounce rate very high. So, try to reduce the external links that will help you to keep the visitors stay for longer time on your site.

8 ) Effective headline with relevant content inside : Writing a effective headline surely increase your click through rate which will in turn helps you to improve the bounce rate of your website. But, don’t forget that your headline match the content inside in your post. If user see that your headline doesn’t relates to your content, they would no longer stay to your blog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Working with File System & I/O|Working with Directories

Working with Directories
PHP provides a number of functions that can be used to perform tasks such as identifying and changing the current directory, creating new directories, deleting existing directories and list the contents of a directory.
Creating Directories in PHP
A new directory can be created in PHP using the mkdir() function. This function takes a path to the directory to be created. To create a directory in the same directory as yourPHP script, simply provide the directory name. To create directory in a different directory specify the full path when calling mkdir().
A second, optional argument allows the specification of permissions on the directory (controlling such issues as whether the directory is writable):
$result = mkdir ("test", "0777")or die ("Failed to create Directory");
echo "directory created successfully";
Deleting a Directory
Directories are deleted in PHP using the rmdir() function. rmdir() takes a single argument, the name of the directory to be deleted. The deletion will only be successful if the directory is empty. If the directory contains files or other sub-directories the deletion cannot be performed until those files and sub-directories are also deleted.
Finding and Changing the CWD (current working directory)
Do you expect a web application to be able to perform all of its file related tasks in a single directory? The answer is NO, it is possible but it will create a mess. For this reason, it is vital to be able to both find out the current working directory, and change to another directory from within a PHP stript.
The current working directory can be identified using the getCwd() function:



save the above script as getCWdir.php and open the page in browser. If your script is fine then you should get the output given below:

The current working directory can be changed using the chdir() function. chdir() takes as the only argument the path of the new directory:

chdir ("/e_drive");
echo "After Changing the Directory, Current Working Directory is ".$cwd."";


Save the file as chdir.php and open the open the PHP script in browser to view the output:

Listing Files in a Directory
The files in a directory can be read using the PHP scandir() function. scandir() takes two arguments. The first argument is the path the directory to be scanned. The second optional argument specifies how the directory listing is to be sorted. If the argument is 1 the listing is sorted reverse-alphabetically.
If the argument is omitted or set to 0 the list is sorted alphabetically:

chdir ("/var");
echo "
After Changing the Directory,
Current Working Directory is ".$cwd."
$array = scandir(".", 1);

Save the file and open the page in browser to view the output.
Try it your self.

Monday, September 20, 2010

PHP:array ||php array syntax example with output

PHP Arrays

An array is a data structure that stores one or more values in a single value. For experienced programmers it is important to note that PHP’s arrays are actually maps (each key is mapped to a value).

PHP Arrays provide a way to group together many variables such that they can be referenced and manipulated using a single variable. An array is, in many ways, a self-contained list of variables.

Once an array has been created items can be added, removed and modified, sorted and much more. The items in an array can be of any variable type, and an array can contain any mixture of data types – it is not necessary to have each element in the array of the same type.

What is an array?

When working with PHP, sooner or later, you might want to create many similar variables.

Arrays are special data types. Despite of other normal variables an array can store more than one value. Let’s suppose you want to store basic colors in your PHP script. You can construct a small list from them like this: Color list: * red * green * blue * black * white It is quite hard, boring, and bad idea to store each color in a separate variable. It would be very nice to have the above representation almost as it is in PHP. And here comes array into play. The array type exists exactly for such purposes. So let’s see how to create an array to store our color list.

There are three different kind of arrays:

• Numeric array - An array with a numeric ID key
• Associative array - An array where each ID key is associated with a value
• Multidimensional array - An array containing one or more arrays

Creating a PHP Array

Arrays are created using the array() function. The array() function takes zero or more arguments and returns the new array which is assigned to a variable using the assigment operator (=). If arguments are provided they are used to initialize the array with data.

PHP arrays grow and shrink dynamically as items are added and removed so it is not necessary to specify the array size at creation time as it is with some other programming languages.

We can create an empty array as follows:

     $citylist = array();

Alternatively, we can create an array pre-initialized with values by providing the values as arguments to the array() function:

     $citylist = array("Noida", "Delhi", "Raipur", "Ambikapur", "Bhagalpur");

Accessing Elements in a PHP Array

The elements in a PHP numerical key type array are accessed by referencing the variable containing the array, followed by the index into array of the required element enclosed in square brackets ([]). We can extend our previous example to display the value contained in the second element of the array (remember that the index is zero based so the first element is element 0):

 $citylist = array("Noida", "Delhi", "Raipur", "Ambikapur", "Bhagalpur");
echo $citylist[1];

The above echo command will output the value in index postion 1 of the array, in this case Output will be:


Manipulating Array

Changing, Adding and Removing PHP Array Elements

An array element can be changed by assigning a new value to it using the appropriate index key.

For example, to change the first element of an array:

Before changing the Array, element [0] : ".$citylist[0];
$citylist[0]= "Faridabad";
echo "
After changing the Array , element [0] : ".$citylist[0];



A new item can be added to the end of an array using the array_push() function. Push one or more elements onto the end of array


int array_push ( array array, mixed var [, mixed ...] )

array_push() treats array as a stack, and pushes the passed variables onto the end of array. The length of array increases by the number of variables pushed. This function takes two arguments, the first being the name of the array and the second the value to be added:


array_push($citylist, "Gurgaon");
echo "

After changing the Array
echo "



The first element of the array can be removed of the array using the array_shift() function, shifts the first value of the array off and returns it, shortening the array by one element and moving everything down..


mixed array_shift ( array )

echo "
array_shift($citylist);// Add Gurgaon to start of array
echo "After Removing the element [0] from array";
echo "
echo "


Before Removing the element [0] from array
[0] => Noida
[1] => Delhi
[2] => Raipur
[3] => Ambikapur
[4] => Bhagalpur
After Removing the element [0] from array
[0] => Delhi
[1] => Raipur
[2] => Ambikapur
[3] => Bhagalpur

The last item added to an array can be removed from the array using the array_pop() function.


mixed array_pop ( array array )

The following example removes the last element added:

echo "
array_push($citylist, "Jaipur"); // Add Jaipur to end of array
echo "After Adding an element to the array";
echo "
echo "
array_pop($citylist); // Remove Jaipur from the end of the array
echo "After Removing an element from array";
echo "
echo "


Try it yourself!

An element can be added to the start of the array by using array_unshift() function:


echo "
array_shift($citylist);// Add Gurgaon to start of array
echo "After Removing the element [0] from array";
echo "
echo "
array_unshift($citylist,"Mumbai") ;
echo "After Adding Mumbai to the start of the array";
echo "
echo "


Original Array
[0] => Noida
[1] => Delhi
[2] => Raipur
[3] => Ambikapur
[4] => Bhagalpur
After Removing the element [0] from array
[0] => Delhi
[1] => Raipur
[2] => Ambikapur
[3] => Bhagalpur
After Adding Mumbai to the start of the array
[0] => Mumbai
[1] => Delhi
[2] => Raipur
[3] => Ambikapur
[4] => Bhagalpur

Looping through PHP Array Elements

It is often necessary to loop through each element of an array to either read or change the values contained therein. There are a number of ways that this can be done.

One such mechanism is to use the foreach loop. The foreach loop works much like a for or while loop and allows you to iterate through each array element. There are two ways to use foreach. The first assigns the value of the current element to a specified variable which can then be accessed in the body of the loop.

The syntax for this is:

foreach ($arrayName as $variable)

For example:


Will result in the following output:


For associative arrays the foreach keyword allows you to iterate through both the keys and the values using the following syntax:

foreach ($arrayName as $variable)

For example:

     $employees = array('empName'=>
'Sanjay Singh', 'empAddr'=>'1 The Street',
echo “
Employee Name
Address A/C No”

foreach ($employees as $key=>$value)
echo " $key = $value



Try it yourself

Read more: http://funrockerz.com/2679.html#ixzz10376XXku

Php -Explode and Implode||Php arrays ,string and variables

The PHP function explode lets you take a string and blow it up into smaller pieces. For example, if you had a sentence, which contains name of 5 persons, you could ask explode to use the sentence’s commas “,” as dynamite and it would blow up the sentence into separate words, which would be stored in an array. The sentence “Ram, Ravish, Rajeev, Rakesh, Ramesh” would look like this after explode got done with it: Explode is a PHP function which let as divide a string into smaller pieces,explode is used to break up a string into chunks, it acts on a string, and returns an array. Ram
Ramesh The explode() function breaks a string into an array. Syntax array explode(separator,string,limit)
Parameter Description Required/Optional
separator Specifies where to break the string Required.
string The string to split. Required.
limit Indicates t he maximum number of array elements to return Optional
For example to break a string $str, separated by , the syntax would be: explode (“,”,$str); Example:


echo "Exploded Array\n


When executed the above script will display following output: img You can also use foreach loop to print the content of array. Implode The implode works exactly opposite of explode function. The PHP function implode operates on an array and is known as the “undo” function of explode. If you have used explode to break up a string into chunks or just have an array of stuff you can use implode to put them all into one string. The implode function accepts to arguments: separator and the array Syntax: implode(separator,array)
Parameter Description
separator Optional. Specifies what to put between the array elements. Default is “” (an empty string)
array Required. The array to join to a string


echo $str;

On execution above script produces the following output: img Assignment 1. Convert the following String to Array ”Hello, World!; Welcome, to eBIZ Education; Thanks for visiting” first convert the string to Array by using “;” as separator, then using “,” as separator and finally using space “ ”

2. Convert the following Array to String: $my_arr1=array(“Mika”, “Mona”, “Mitali”, “Madhu”, “Megha”, “Meghna”);

php full course free online||learn php online ||php syllabus

Passing parameter to a Function
Returning values from function
Built-in Functions
File inclusion functions

Object Oriented Programming with PHP5
Benefits of OOP
Difference between PHP4 & PHP5
Classes and Objects in PHP5
Creating and Using Classes in PHP5

Working with File System & I/O
Working with Directories
Working with Files
Creating, Copying, moving and Deleting File

Working with Forms
Creating Simple HTML form
More Complex Form
Using validation with Forms

Working with Database
Creating a Connection
Retrieving Database and Table list
Creating Databases and Tables
Using MySQL DML command
Retrieving record from database
Error Handling

Session management and Cookie
What is a Cookie?
Creating and Using Cookie
What is a PHP Session?
Using Session management in PHP

PHP Advanced
Handling File Upload
PHP E-mail
PHP Filter

PHP Filter

bloggger”s 10 not to do things|| 10 mistakes bloggers do

optimize the adsense on your site.

silly mistakes of site owners which resists the site promotion

Every now and then I will see a list of things bloggers should do, but I notice people are not that inclined to do what they are asked to do, while they pay more attention to things they should NOT do. That is why I decided to create the list below. Here we go:

1. You Must Not Expect Results Overnight: This is happening everywhere and that is the major reason why a large percentage of bloggers fail. Many bloggers come online unprepared and with the wrong set of expectations. They think blogging is a bed of roses and they only need to write one or two posts and begin to make money right away. Wrong!

2. You Must Not Ignore Your Readers: Some bloggers start gaining traction fast, and after a while they start to make their blogs gravitate around themselves. That is, they start talking exclusively about themselves, about the things they like, about how cool they are and so on. Big mistake. Your blog is about your readers, not about you.

3. You Must Not Scrape Another Bloggers Content: This is funny but nowadays you will see many new bloggers who don’t even know the basics, and yet they start to scrape another bloggers content. Often times these people won’t even credit the source. You can’t get far with this attitude.

4. You Must Not Expect Success Without Promoting: Many people think blogging is like setting up a shop at the road side and that all they need to do is wait for people to start finding them. Build and they will come, as the saying goes. This unfortunately is not true. Even if you have great content you’ll need to work your butt off getting people to visit your blog and read it.

5. You Must Not Be Another Blogger: This is so common among many bloggers nowadays. They no longer want to be themselves, they now want to be one popular blogger they know. It is like using the “fake it till you make it” strategy. Will it work over the long term? No. So keep it real.

6. You Must Not Fail To Update Your Blog Regularly: You will see some bloggers telling you they want to be a problogger, only to leave their blog without updates for weeks. If you can’t commit to updating your blog regularly, why would you expect people to commit to reading it regularly?

7. You Must Not Ignore SEO: Nowadays, you will see many bloggers not optimizing their blogs for search engines, if you ask them why, they will say they don’t know SEO. The real answer, however, is “Because I am lazy.” Don’t be lazy and learn what you must if you want to make your blog popular.

8. You Must Not Ignore Networking: You should never underestimate the power of networking. As people say, it is about who you know and now about what you know in the long run.

9. You Must Not Have An Unreadable/Unnavigable Site: Many people think blogging is all about your content. No! Blogging is far more than your content. You should work on making sure your site is easily navigable and that readers can easily get what they want without looking twice. Usability is a big factor on the web.

10. You Must Not Throw Mud Around: Some new bloggers that if they attack other people or bloggers, they might create a buzz and increase their traffic levels. This might be true in the short run, but over the long term such attitude will create many enemies and burn yourself.

Top 10 Most Expensive Yachts Of The World||World’s Most Expensive Yachts||Expensive Yachts Price

Traveling with yacht is the rich hobbies. Yacht usually is full of luxury facility. The wealth in the world is trying to make their yacht as beautiful as possible, hence it makes those yacht become most expensive yacht in the world in term of price. There’s a lot of facility in the most expensive yacht in this list. You can find various of luxury there that vary from luxurious interior, helicopter with its helipad, swimming pool even there’s submarine and artificial beach on the expensive yacht. Let’s take a look at the most expensive yachts in detail one by one.

10. Tatoosh: $100 million

9. Annaliesse: $103 million

8. Alysia: $116 million

7. Ecstasea: $129 million

6. Pelorus: $130 million

5. Octopus: $200 million

4. Rising Sun: $200 Million

3. Lady Moura: $210 million

2. Dubai: $350 Million

1. Eclipse: $1.2 Billion

Do you want to own one of those most expensive yachts in the world, I guess you should prepare enough money not just for buying it but also for its maintenance and insurance.

Object oriented programming features controls||oops properties

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses “objects” – data structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions – to design applications and computer programs. Programming techniques may include features such as data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance

A Class is template for an object, a user-defined datatype that contains the variables, properties and methods in it. A class defines the abstract characteristics of a thing (object), including its characteristics (its attributes, fields or properties) and the thing’s behaviors (the things it can do, or methods, operations or features).


One can have an instance of a class; the instance is the actual object created at run-time. In programmer vernacular, the Lassie object is an instance of the Dog class. The set of values of the attributes of a particular object is called its state. The object consists of state and the behavior that’s defined in the object’s classes.


Method is a set of procedural statements for achieving the desired result. It performs different kinds of operations on different data types.

Message passing

“The process by which an object sends data to another object or asks the other object to invoke a method.”Also known to some programming languages as interfacing.


Inheritance is a process in which a class inherits all the state and behavior of another class. This type of relationship is called child-Parent or is-a relationship. “Subclasses” are more specialized versions of a class, which inherit attributes and behaviors from their parent classes, and can introduce their own.


Abstraction is simplifying complex reality by modeling classes appropriate to the problem, and working at the most appropriate level of inheritance for a given aspect of the problem.


Encapsulation conceals the functional details of a class from objects that send messages to it.

(Subtype) polymorphism

Polymorphism allows the programmer to treat derived class members just like their parent class’s members.


Decoupling allows for the separation of object interactions from classes and inheritance into distinct layers of abstraction. A common use of decoupling is to polymorphically decouple the encapsulation

Saturday, September 18, 2010

After Games, buses may be barred from corridor

NEW DELHI: The elevated road over Barapullah Nullah would be opened to general traffic once the Commonwealth Games is over. The stretch will be ready for first trial run on either Sunday or Monday, said sources. During the sporting extravaganza this stretch will be exclusively used for ferrying nearly 10,000 athletes and officials from the Games Village to the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium.

"The project will be completely ready before the trial runs. Whereas on all other roads sportspersons may see major traffic pile ups on their left and right as they are driven through their dedicated lanes, on this stretch they will get the a full view of the city, with its canopy of trees and protected monuments," said project manager Sarvagya Srivastava of the PWD.

He added that initially the project looked impossible to accomplish. "Most people, including engineers, advised us to concentrate on a single carriageway rather than build a double-carriage road, but we took a chance. Fortunately, it's now almost done," Srivastava added.

Driving on this elevated stretch would take commuters away from the urban clutter at least for those few minutes. They can get a full view of Humayun and Khan-e-Khana tombs as well as the Neela Gumbad. "People will enjoy the drive because of several curves on this stretch. It's almost like an access-controlled road in the heart of the city. It will be a green drive since there will be less dust and better ambient air quality," claimed Priyank Mittal, executive engineer in-charge of the project.

A spokesperson of DSC Limited, the construction company that built this project said that best global technologies were used to complete this landmark project in record time.

"This road was constructed maintaining the existing drain corridor and without dismantling any structures in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of area," he added.

PWD officials said pre-cast segments were used to build the road. They added this technology helped them complete six metres of road per day, seven times faster than the conventional method.

Highly placed sources in Delhi government said though details of how this road will be used post-Games is yet to be decided, it's likely that plying of only light vehicles could get a preference. "A bus or truck breaking down on this stretch could lead to huge congestion, spoiling the benefit of this fast link," an official added.

Aussie Games equipment finally released


Indian authorities have finally released Australia's Commonwealth Games sporting equipment after it languished in port for more than 10 days.

The Games kick off on October 3 in New Delhi but team officials begin arriving to the athletes village on Friday, when the equipment is now expected to reach the host city.

Australian Commonwealth Games Association (ACGA) officials have stepped up their logistics and monitoring operations as more equipment is headed to India next week.

The container arrived on September 6 to the port of Mumbai, on the country's west coast, but a shipping backlog forced the vessel to anchor offshore for 12 days.

It also contains poles belonging to champion vaulter Steve Hooker, alongside training equipment, medical supplies and furniture for the association to set up headquarters during the Games.

The ACGA made a desperate plea to Sujatha Singh, India's high commissioner to Australia, who contacted India's Ministry of Shipping and asked that the ship be berthed and the container be unloaded.

ACGA chief executive Perry Crosswhite received an email on Saturday around 9am (AEST) that the equipment was on the move.

"The ship had docked overnight (Friday), the container had been taken off and straight away it had been cleared," Mr Crosswhite told AAP.

He expects the container to be loaded on a train on Saturday before it begins its 1,400km journey from Mumbai to Delhi.

"The 2-3 day journey, a security check of the container in Delhi and transport to the athletes village should have the equipment to the team by Friday," Mr Crosswhite said.

"The normal wait time at a port is around 3-4 days, which means the equipment will arrive more than a week late and in the nick of time.

"As far as setting up our medical operation, our doctors and all of them come in on the Friday so we'll be ready for them to set up."

"If we meet that timetable there's no issue. The athletes dont start arriving until September 27."

The temporary stuff-up means the ACGA will have to dedicate more of its limited resources to keep on eye on further shipments due to arrive by plane and all other logistics that are dependent on Indian authorities.

"It put us on notice that we've got to be on top of every movement and every logistical thing, and just following it up all the time to make sure that it gets done in the time we need it," Mr Crosswhite said.

"We're just going to have to work harder. That's probably what its going to come down to."

Samsung launches Dual SIM Handset 'Guru E2151' in India

News Desk: Breaking News! Samsung has launched the latest cheap handset, Guru E2151, in India, targeting customers, who are looking for the low-cost phone. Strengthening its Guru series with the user-friendly dual SIM handset, the device offers dual SIM standby and longer battery life.

The Samsung Guru E2151 comes with a 2-inch QQVGA 262K TFT screen, Li-Ion 1000 mAh battery with talk time of 11 hours and can store up to 1000 phonebook entries. The device features a VGA camera, which can shoot at a resolution of 640x480 pixels, and record video at resolution of 128x160@15fps.

Also the Guru E2151 has a MP3 player, a Stereo FM radio, GPRS, EDGE, and Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP. The internal memory can be expanded up to 2GB using microSD card. The user can access WAP, MMS, and social networking site like Twitter, Facebook and Instant messengers like Yahoo, IM and BT Messenger.

Offering a great feature, the Samsung Guru E2151 is available with an affordable price of Rs. 3,550 only.

ICC investigating third Pakistan-England ODI: Report

The match-fixing scandal continues to get bigger in proportion and Pakistan remains at the center of it with reports now emerging that the ICC is investigating the team's third one-dayer against England as it might have been rigged by "illegal betting syndicates in India and Dubai."

British tabloid The Sun claimed that the ICC "acted after its probe exposed evidence apparently showing that bookies knew details of Pakistan's innings before the match even began."

The latest revelations comes close on the heels of the spot-fixing scandal that led to the suspension of Pakistan Test captain Salman Butt and the pace duo of Mohammad Aamir and Mohammad Asif.

"The new investigation will centre on suspicious scoring patterns in Pakistan's innings and on two suspect overs during yesterday's match at The Oval," the report stated.

"Illegal bookies in India and Dubai apparently knew in advance what would happen so they could launch a betting coup. But The Sun's undercover team was able to pass details to ICC inspectors before the match began."

According to the newspaper, the scoring pattern of the game matched with the "target that bookies had been told in advance by a fixer."

"It is not thought that the overall result was fixed, only scoring rates in parts of Pakistan's innings.

Pakistan won the match by 23 runs to keep their hopes alive in the five-match series after losing the first two games.

The tabloid claimed it "received details of calls between a notorious Dubai-based match fixer and a Delhi bookie."

"We alerted ICC corruption busters led by ex-police chief Sir Ronnie Flanagan. After a frantic round of calls the ICC decided to issue a general warning to Pakistan's players, but by then the game had started," it said.

"The Sun is withholding details of the alleged fix while the investigation continues - but we can reveal that horrified ICC chiefs launched their investigation before the Pakistan innings had even finished. The probe centres on an individual within the team camp who is believed to be the ringleader, taking money from bookies and ensuring their orders are carried out."

The tabloid claimed that ICC chief executive Haroon Lorgat "thanked it for its investigation and pledged tough action on any players found guilty."

It said the ICC is also "investigating whether the same cartel rigged a Test between Pakistan and Australia in July after allegedly paying players £700,000."

India reacts sharply to Pak over JK interference

New Delhi: India has reacted strongly to statements issued by Pakistan on Jammu on Kashmir by calling them "gratuitous" on Friday, Sep 17.

Qureshi said Pakistan
condemns the alleged "blatant" use of force by Indian security forces against the protesters in the Valley.

Reacting sharply to Pakistan foreign minister S M Qureshi asking India to "exercise restraint" in the state, ministry of external affairs official spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said "India firmly rejects gratuitous statements issued by Pakistan on Jammu & Kashmir, which amount to interference in the internal affairs of India.

India also says Pakistan must fulfill its commitment of not allowing its territory to be used for terrorism directed against India.

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Jhootha Hi Sahi Movie Wallpapers||Jhootha Hi Sahi John Abraham||John In JKhootha Hi Sahi||Raghu In Jhootha Hi Sahi

Movie Review Of Mallika||Mallika

Certain stories that the Ramsay Brothers attempted a few decades ago are being rehashed and packaged in new avatars to this date. The revenge of the restless soul, the reincarnation bit, the spate of murders, the decomposed dead body coming to life… haven’t we watched it all in the past? Mallika is hackneyed, uninspired and clichéd from start to end. Also, there’s nothing in the film that would make you jump out of your seat or give you sleepless nights at home. On the contrary, the film is unintentionally funny and also makes you chuckle at the absurdities at several points in the story.
In today’s times, when storytellers are daring to break the shackles of stereotypical cinema, Mallika comes across as an obsolete fare that offers nothing new to the viewer.

Final word? One of the cheesiest films of all times!

Sanjana (Sheena Nayyar) is haunted by nightmares and vivid visions of a murder that took place in her house. Unable to take it any longer, Sanjana decides to go for a vacation, hoping that those visions will stop chasing her. She lands up at a fort cum resort in Rajasthan. However, little does she know that things are going to go from bad to worse at the fort, which holds a dark secret deep inside its chest.

Mallika holds a new record in recent times: Practically every woman in the film goes for a shower or heads for a bathing tub every 10/15 minutes. If that’s not enough, the women wear the skimpiest of outfits, which makes it looks like a skin-fest of sorts. Besides the aatma seeking revenge, there’s a half-baked love story, a weirdo cop and a couple of songs thrown in to complete the package.

The writing is shoddy and the direction, non-existent. In fact, director Wilson Louis ought to know that skin-show cannot substitute for a riveting story. The music is of fast-forward variety as well, barring the remix of the yesteryear hit, ‘Woh Bhuli Dastaan Lo Phir Yaad Aa Gayee’. Visual effects are tacky.

The performances are below par. Sheena Nayyar can’t act. Sammir Dattani sleepwalks through his role. Mamik wears one expression all through. Himanshu Mallik gets no scope. Rajesh Khera is stereotypical. Suresh Nair hams. The remaining actors are a bunch of non-actors.

On the whole, sitting through Mallika is an exasperating experience!

Director: Wilson Louis
Cast: Sameer Dattani, Sheena Nayar, Himanshu Mallik, Rajesh Khera, Suresh Menon

Movie Review Of Dabangg||Dabangg Movie

The fight between good and bad has been the fodder of many a Hindi filmof 1970s and 1980s. In fact, it wouldn’t be erroneous to state that these films dominated the cinema of yore and a lot of us, who have grown up on masala films/wholesome entertainers, will vividly recall the serpentine queues outside cinema halls and a mad scramble to book the tickets of those films. Hardcore masala films were relished with glee by the audience then.

However, for some inexplicable reason, masala films became extinct or should I say, disappeared from the face of Hindi cinema over a period of time. Ghajini and Wanted revived this genre, bringing back memories of the bygone era. Now Dabanggtakes this genre one step ahead.

Be forewarned. Dabangg is rustic, has loads of action, harps on the age-old mother-son and varied relationships (half-brother, step-father), eventually turns into a vendetta fare, has a number of songs placed smartly in the narrative (including an item number)… but the packaging is slick and polished. Sure, it’s old wine, but packed in a brand new bottle, with a new brand ambassador (Salman Khan) endorsing this masalathon.

Most importantly, it has Salman like never before. Breathing fire and venom, Chulbul Pandey aka Robinhood Pandey taps Salman’s star power like no film has and the result is sheer magic. In fact, Dabangg stands on three pillars – Salman’s star power, smashing stunts and super music.

Final word? Salman fans, rejoice! You walk in Dabangg with 100% expectations and you exit with 200% gratification. Entertainmentguaranteed. This film will create a pandemonium of sorts, a mass hysteria, crushing old records and setting new benchmarks at the box-office.

Set in Uttar Pradesh, Dabangg is a story of Chulbul Pandey (Salman Khan), a totally fearless but corrupt police officer with unorthodox working methods. But even the most fearless at times face a tough fight with their innermost demons. Chulbul has had a bitter childhood. His father passed away when he was very young, after which his mother (Dimple Kapadia) married Prajapati Pandey (Vinod Khanna). Together, they had a son Makhanchan (Arbaaz Khan).

Prajapati favors Makhanchan, which does not go down well with Chulbul. He decides to take control of his destiny and detaches himself from his step-father and half-brother. His sole attachment is his mother. However, after his mother’s demise and an unsuccessful attempt to mend wounds, Chulbul snaps all ties with his step-father and half-brother.

Rajo (Sonakshi Sinha), with her unique perspective of life, enters his world and turns life upside down. Chulbul starts to see life more positively and also gets sensitized to the value of a family. But his detractors, especially the dubious Cheddi Singh (Sonu Sood), have their own vested interests and emerge as spokes in the wheels, putting one brother against the other. Makhanchan ends up carrying out an act oblivious to the consequences.

When Makhanchan realizes he has been used, he turns to Chulbul. Will Chulbul take his extended hand? Will the brothers be able to thwart their detractors?

The job of a promo is to give a gist of the film and prepare the audience well in advance about what to expect when they saunter into an auditorium. The promos of Dabangg have sent the right signals to the audience about it being a paisa vasool entertainer. Let’s face it, Dabangghas nothing ground-breaking to offer as far as its plot is concerned. We’ve visited similar stories in the past, but what makes Dabangg shine, and shine brightly, is Salman’s star power, which camouflages the aberrations wonderfully. The darling of the masses has been cast in a role that his fans love to see him in, which explains why this film works from start to end.

Like I pointed out earlier, Dabangg is special for two more reasons: S. Vijayan’s stunts and Sajid-Wajid’s music, with an additional song by Lalit Pandit. Talking of action scenes, Salman’s introduction at the start and the fight-to-finish in the climax will send the masses in frenzy. To state that the action scenes are outstanding, especially the fight in the finale, would be an understatement. In the finale fight, when Salman’s shirt tears apart and the rippling muscles and the bare-chest fight ensues, mark my words, it will lead to chaos at mass-dominated centres, especially at single screens. The climax will be one of the prime reasons for repeat viewing, for sure.

It’s difficult to accommodate music in an action film, but Sajid-Wajid come up with a melodious score. The title track, ‘Tere Mast Mast Do Nain’ and ‘Munni’ (composed by Lalit Pandit) are the icing on the cake.

Director Abhinay Singh Kashyap is in his element. He’s made an out and out entertainer with an eye at the masses and he succeeds in his endeavour. Doing justice to vintage formula is no cakewalk, let’s not forget. Besides, the director stays away from going overdramatic while handling the dramatic and emotional moments. This explains why you don’t exit the theatre with a spinning head. Mahesh Limaye’s cinematography is perfect. I’d like to make a note of the editing (Pranav V. Dhiwar), which is super-slick in action scenes. Dialogue, especially those delivered by Salman, will be greeted with claps and whistles. Especially the one ‘Itne chhed karunga‘.

Salman Khan is the boss, when it comes to playing to the masses. This film reaffirms this truth. The role provides him ample opportunity to prove his star power and he does it with remarkable ease. Let me put it on record.Dabangg is yet another landmark film in his career, besides Maine Pyaar Kiya, Hum Aapke Hain Koun, Judwaa [tapping the funny side), Tere Naam(tapping the emotional side) and Wanted.

Sonakshi Sinha looks fresh, acts confidently and pairs off very well with Salman. Most importantly, she delivers the right expressions and is not overpowered by the galaxy of stars in the cast. Arbaaz Khan is efficient. He underplays his part well. Sonu Sood is electrifying, matching up to Salman at every step. In fact, the fight in the finale between Salman and Sonu is awe-inspiring.

Vinod Khanna is excellent in a role that has grey shades. Dimple Kapadia is truly wonderful. Anupam Kher is, as always, good. Ditto for Om Puri. Mahesh Manjrekar doesn’t get ample scope. Mahi Gill is alright. Tinnu Anand is effective. Murli Sharma is nice. Malaika Arora Khan sizzles in the ‘Munni’ track.

On the whole, Dabangg is a full on entertainer with three aces – Salman Khan like never before, stylish action and super music. It’s a foregone conclusion that Dabangg will open huge. As far as the business prospects are concerned, the film will set new benchmarks, so much so that Dabanggwill be one of the yardsticks to gauge the level of business in times to come. Sure to fetch an earth-shattering opening, the film will create a pandemonium at the box-office, cementing the status of Salman Khan as the darling of the masses and making the distributors laugh all the way to the bank. It has Blockbuster written all over it!

Director: Abhinav Kashyap
Cast: Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha

We Are Family Movie, Movie Review Of We Are Family

Okay, We Are Family is the official adaptation of Chris Columbus’Stepmom (1998) and lots of us have already watched this Julia Roberts – Susan Sarandon starrer. Even otherwise, the story of a woman, diagnosed with a terminal illness, entrusting her kids to the ‘other woman’ before she does the final salute, gives the feeling of deja vu. But We Are Family is not a tear-jerker. Sure, it has dollops of emotions, but also integrates the light moments wonderfully in those 12 reels.

In the good old days, in the 1960s and 1970s specifically, well-made family films struck an instant chord with viewers across the spectrum. But with the changing times, the quantum of well-made socials made a rapid decline. We Are Familybelongs to the Rajshri gharaana and tells the story of a family facing two life-changing developments: The woman of the house is diagnosed with a terminal illness and two, there’s a Stepmom on the scene. A difficult subject to handle, without doubt.

But debutant director Siddharth P. Malhotra surprises you constantly. Casting the best available talent for two pivotal parts and doing complete justice to their roles is tough. Very tough. But the ease with which he handles the tense moments between the women and also the emotional finale shows he has learnt his lessons well from his peers.

Final word? We Are Family is for the family. It is well acted, deftly written, entertaining and broadly appealing drama. Watch it with someone you love!

Maya (Kajol) is the perfect mother. Her life revolves around her three children, Aleya (Aanchal Munjal), Ankush (Nominath Ginsberg) and Anjali (Diya Sonecha). Despite being divorced from her husband Aman (Arjun Rampal), Maya has ensured that everything runs smoothly in her house, under her watch, and that they continue to remain a happy family unit.

When Aman introduces his girlfriend, Shreya (Kareena Kapoor), a career-oriented woman, the situation takes an unexpected turn. However, Maya is diagnosed with a terminal illness and circumstances bring the two women under the same roof. Can two mothers make a home?

With a plot like this, you expect We Are Family to be an out-and-out serious outing. However, the film has its serious moments, but the director ensures that it doesn’t come across as a gloomy and serious fare. In fact, the generous dose of light moments in the narrative keeps the drama fluid. There’s an inherent sensitivity that the director brings in, which keeps you involved for most parts.

On the flip side, the film tends to stagnate in the middle of the second hour. One expects the story to move forward, but there’s not much movement here (thankfully, the film picks up wonderfully towards the penultimate reels). Also, the music by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy is a complete letdown. You feel it all the more because Dharma is synonymous with excellent music. The only redeeming track in the enterprise is ‘Let’s Rock’, which is high on energy. S-E-L need to reinvent themselves by experimenting a little more.

Director Siddharth P. Malhotra handles the dramatic portions best. The tense moments between Kajol and Kareena, the confrontation between the two and also the cold stares that they exchange time and again have been captured very well. The gradual transformation in Kajol’s looks, from striking and energetic to pale and morose, is also well projected. The finale is the best part of the enterprise and can be best described in one word: Outstanding. However, like I pointed out earlier, the writing could’ve been tighter towards the second hour.

Mohanan’s cinematography is eye-catching and the locales of Australia only enhance the look of the film. Niranjan Iyengar’s dialogue are decent at places, but a few lines are amazingly real. The background score (Raju Singh) is first-rate.

We Are Family gives the two popular actresses an opportunity to sink their teeth into strongly drawn, juicy, challenging and interesting female roles that move beyond the normal stereotypes. The scene stealer is, without doubt, Kajol. She expresses the gamut of emotions brilliantly and speaks a million words even when silent. This is yet another incredible performance from an actor par excellence. Kareena excels yet again and her sequences with the kids are a delight. In fact, casting Kareena as theStepmom is just right, since she’s the only actor who can stand up to Kajol in high-voltage scenes and that’s because Kareena is a powerful actor herself. Arjun continues to surprise. Rock On, Housefull, Raajneeti and now We Are Family indicates the growth of this actor. He handles the emotional moments well too. The kids – all three of them – are superb. In fact, the casting of the kids [done by Shanoo Sharma] is an ace.

On the whole, We Are Family is a perfect family film with a good mix of emotions and humour. Plus, a brilliant climax, which will ensure that the filmgrows with a strong word of mouth. The last film which came close to being a family outing was Paa. Before that, the only quintessential family film wasBaghban. We Are Family is the kind of film that should work instantly with ladies and when ladies watch such films, they bring their spouses and children along. Recommended!

Director: Siddharth P. Malhotra
Cast: Arjun Rampal, Kajol, Kareena Kapoor

Movie Review Of Hello Darling||Hello Darling Movie

Comedy is serious business and I genuinely believe that making people laugh is an arduous task. The best of film-makers, with years/decades of experience behind them, have tried attempting laughathons time and again. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don’t. Hello Darling also tries to tickle your funny bone, but in vain.

Frankly, the story of a sex pervert and three alluring ladies could’ve resulted in one naughty film. Hello Darling uses every trick in the book (skin show, generous dose of double entendres et al) to make you laugh, but barring a scene or two, the effort falls flat on its face.

Final word? This film is a joke in the name of comedy!

Hello Darling tells the story of three working girls – Candy (Celina Jaitley), Mansi (Gul Panag) and Satvati (Eesha Koppikar) – who bond together in a posh office of Mumbai, though each of them belongs to a different stratum of society. The biggest issue they face is in their work place. It is headed by their smart boss Hardik (Jaaved Jaffrey), a chronic playboy. He is smart. They have to be smarter. Who wins this battle of the sexes?

An interesting story idea may not translate into an interesting/entertaining film. On paper, perhaps, the concept of Hello Darling may sound hilarious, but what unfolds is childish and bizarre. Forget smiling, you wear a constant smirk on your face at most times. In fact, even if the plotline was weak, but had the writers (Pankaj Trivedi and Sachin Shah) and director (Manoj Tiwari) packed the film with gags and punches, the film would’ve kept your attention alive. But what comes across is an excuse in the name of comedy.

A few funny moments, like the ‘kidnapping’ of a dead body from the hospital and a Godmother [Seema Biswas] who brings errant and wayward husbands back on track, are amusing. But the negatives outweigh the positives in this case. In fact, the goings-on get unbearable towards the post-interval portions, when a robber (Vrajesh Hirjee) lands up at Gul’s apartment and finds Jaaved chained. From that point onwards, till the finale, which includes the boss (Sunny Deol) reprimanding Jaaved and transferring him to Bangladesh, the film only worsens.

Director Manoj Tiwari fails to deliver, mainly because the writing is corny. The double entendres, used generously to spice the proceedings, are tasteless. The music (Pritam) is mediocre, barring the ‘Aa Jaane Ja’ track.Ravi Yadav’s cinematography is functional.

Amongst the three, Gul stands out with a convincing performance. Celina is decent, while Eesha doesn’t look like a Haryanvi. Jaaved goes over the top, but is believable nonetheless. Divya Dutta is alright. Chunky Pandey gets no scope. Seema Biswas is just right. Sunny Deol, in a brief role, is monotonous. Asawari Joshi is passable. Mukesh Tiwari is wasted. Ditto for Vrajesh Hirjee.

On the whole, Hello Darling tries hard to make you laugh, but falls flat on its face. In fact, this comedy is more of a tragedy for the viewer.

Director – Manoj Tiwari
Cast – Celina Jaitley, Gul Panag, Eesha Koppikar, Jaaved Jaaferi, Chunky Pandey, Divya Dutta, Asawari Joshi


Choosing an Editor

On Linux Bluefish –

Supports any protocol that is supported by GNOME VFS. (FTP, SSH…)

gedit -

gedit is a free software, UTF-8 compatible text editor for the GNOME desktop environment. It is designed to have a clean, simple interface inspired by the ideals of the GNOME project.


gPHPedit is a GPL-based, small UTF-8 compatible text editor for the GNOME desktop environment, written by Andy Jeffries. It is similar to gedit with the difference that it is designed for PHP and HTML text editing. The current version is 0.9.91, released on July 5, 2006.

img On Windows ConTEXT

Freeware editor with syntax highlighting It is a freeware text editor for Microsoft Windows, aimed at software developers. It can open and edit very large files, while requiring only modest amounts of RAM and hard drive space to run.

Crimson Editor - lightweight editor. Supports FTP img

Programmer’s Notepad

Programmer’s Notepad (PN1) is an open-source text editor targeted at users who work with source code. It was released in 1998. PN1′s successor, Programmer’s Notepad 2 (PN2), was released in 2002 and is now based on Scintilla. Possibly the most distinctive feature common to both versions is the combination tabbed document interface and multiple document interface called “Tabbed MDI” by the developer. The TDI is parent to the MDI. Notepad++

Notepad++ is a free source code editor for Windows. The project is hosted on SourceForge.net, from where it has been downloaded over eight million times.

This project, based on the Scintilla editor component, is written in C++ with pure Win32 API calls and uses STL. The aim of Notepad++ is to offer a slim and efficient binary with a totally customizable GUI. img


Testing your Environment

While there’s nothing wrong with getting started writing PHP scripts sing no-frills editors such as Windows Notepad or vi, chances are you’re soon going to want to graduate to a full-fledged PHP-specific development solution. Several open source and commercial solutions are available. The best way to verify your PHP installation is by attempting to execute a PHP script. Open a text editor and add the following lines to a new file:
       If you’re running Apache, save the file within the htdocs directory as phpinfo.php.      Note: from now onwards this tutorial will use XAMPP from Apache Friends for development. You can still use Apache, but if you are having any problem configuring it, just uninstall Apache and install XAMPP. XAMPP is easy to install, no manual configuration required, and all components installed in one go (Apache + MySQL + PHP + phpMyAdmin).      If you’re running IIS, save the file within C:\inetpub\wwwroot\.      Now open a browser and access this file by entering the following URL:http://localhost/phpinfo.php.      If all goes well, you should see output similar to that shown in Figure below:      img The page above contains a lot of information related to your environment, such as: PHP core Configuration info, apache2handler info, Apache Environment info etc. imgIf you’re attempting to run this script on a Web hosting provider’s server, and you receive an error message stating phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons, you’ll need to try Testing Your Installation executing another script. Try executing this one instead, which should produce some simple output: